From a public hearing in the Standing Committee on Education and Research in the Norwegian Parliament

NTLs policies

NTL wants a society that is safe and fair for all. Key to a fair society is securing the financing of the welfare state and ensuring that free education is available to all.

NTL works actively on developing an alternative to today’s New Public Management ideology which governs the public sector, emphasizing instead trust in the professional judgement and innovative capacity of the employee.

NTL has taken a lead role in the struggle for a just transition to a green economy, co-chairing the annual ‘Broen til framtiden’ (Bridge to the Future) conference. With the slogan “A hundred thousand green jobs” the conference organization aims to develop a viable strategy for shifting the national economy away from its current course of oil dependency.

Our policies are summarized in NTL’s 2019-2022 Action Programme:

NTLs organisasjon
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