Strike action is the ultimate response to conflict resolution when negotiating pay
Helge Heyerdahl / LO Media

Pay Negotiation: Collective Bargaining for Fair Wages

At NTL, we firmly believe that fair wages and working conditions are best achieved through collective bargaining. Our core position is that pay should be negotiated collectively—with strike action as the ultimate measure for resolving conflicts. By supporting nationwide negotiations, we ensure that every employee in the sector is represented and benefits from consistent and fair pay.

Collective Agreements and Fair Remuneration

In Norway, pay and working hours are typically regulated by collective agreements. This system maintains a balance of power between employees and employers. NTL maintains that individual pay negotiations not only tip this balance in favor of employers but can also exacerbate issues such as the gender pay gap over time. By negotiating collectively, we safeguard the interests of every NTL member and promote fairness across the board.

Nationwide Negotiations vs. Local Agreements

NTL advocates for nationwide negotiations in the state sector, arguing that local negotiations often benefit certain groups at the expense of others. Local agreements can be influenced heavily by local management discretion, resulting in inconsistent outcomes. In contrast, a nationwide approach standardizes negotiations and ensures that all employees have equal bargaining power, fostering a more just and balanced work environment.

By uniting the workforce under collective bargaining, NTL works to secure fair compensation and sustainable working conditions for all its members. This commitment to collective negotiation is a key element in our broader strategy to promote equality and transparency in the workplace.

NTLs organisasjon
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